Check out the article in the Press-Republican that details the PHA’s award of HUD-VASH vouchers here
Attached is information on the upcoming FREE Rabies Clinic being held on Tuesday, August 7th from 6:00 to 8:30 PM at the Morrisonville Fire Department located at 1927 Route 22B, Morrisonville, NY.
Plattsburgh Housing Authority will be having a Family Housing Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 from 10 AM to Noon at the McGaulley Avenue Community Room (57 McGaulley Avenue, upstairs).
The following representatives will be at the meeting to discuss programs, listen to concerns, answer questions:
Rachelle Armstrong, City of Plattsburgh Ward 1 Councilor
Kathy Bishop, Clinton County LEAP Program/OneWorkSource
Mary Lee Ireland, WIC Program
Krissie Pulsifer, Newly elected PHA Board of Commissioners Representative for Family Housing Residents
Elise Rock, Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist
See attached notice for more information: